I I I I 1 HE: DAILY OPTIC. The People's Paper. RAN A ST Nonce to lie Cone Da the Www SHE SPOMLEDKA ANON CO. Here Just Received Ladies' Black Overgaiters at 75c. Childien's Knee Protectors.
Ladies' and Hisses' Lamb. Wool Holes. SATURDAY EU MAINO, DRO; 100. MISCELLANY, Dance at tight. -al Dej 1 window.
Tie Elite or on Sunday. A little of to all front his Ams of kind. of cats Nolica Kale grocery, for the scade. Ir. and Mrs.
Freak entertala whet party, this at their. rest. Kok grocery. Clark a Plowa and pousd best: by the Oh only 0. Quack as nothing tr of the rood tai of the batt's of medicines, Territory from Herred, It.
of boys tale la Chrietin schnol, a. preaching era at no. 6nd 7:0) p. 311. The artier be by the church aud levitationex traded to all.
scripture and Prayer congregation: Mormon' Hernice Owen "Only a Littto Baby' ton Hattie Delterick POPE. "HUShE By the Children. Christ Wrody Angel A Maud Jazto Burke Elgar larion the Choir A he Did Nor A Hamilton Cris A. Anthem Chair By Pastor All ara Invited to enjoy vernier, A. LAYTON, Pastor, 3.
EPISCOPAL CHURCHSpatial to w.as st 9:45 m. Christmas Wledom from muste. ('lam. meeting a Buriday 7:30 p. 3 Vasical Obrist services: bright, AlHavited to tea ST.
CHUNNE per Morning Te Drum Hark, Sueday sokoni, 1:10 P. special: Toeir! by Night: Te Wean. Welcome school and choli boy held. by bich mass af a choir will sing Millard's by full sermon on. Retirity of Christ, by: Fatber The churob will ba decorated with ADd wreaths wad illuminatedand waxen Bolos sung by Miss Alice Cavansumb and.
mass 10 a.m. Christinas tree for obildrpa. at i1 Endedver musta 7:10 p.m. the sobook. Chrissata concert.
wilt gifts of books clothing; inge, to the papila ta the mission schools. Parents are to their in be A hearty: wal. to CHRISTIAN ENDKAYON CONVENTION, Beginning 4 December 37th, 7:30 p. the Now Mexico Territorial Uaion of Rode for its third atonal convention- io the Pres. byterian church of tale elty.
The semivos will continos Thursday morning, afternoon and. Delegates preseat from all parts of the Terntory. The public cordially javited to attend all the of the THE CONCEY- does won't knock me out fairly and squarely, tie' an to Jim, but. before knocks Ina net, let him know be beca to A. Owler to cold nights Flynn and Rd.
debt at 3 pi. ad. the weigut; thinke he do Corbett. I would not be 10 see Edmunds Fiyea organ taekled too big. but that be wIll good showing.
Flyaa will knock Edmande out la be don't, he will Scranton, and the mid. la will cause some to be wipe they some together. In the Police News and the boxer, any wen in expenses to and hips for $1,000 a olds. out of I the DIson barred, Dare Jones. Mitchell wants to bet 14,000 that the fret.
kouck down, and more that be Corbels to du Bret apelating, and Cor. batt: dees start to apriot, ha will keep him It may La that Geo; Dixon 5 la this ofty, mod chance to win come kuly wants to debt fur provided Dixpa at the 114 -The opinion ti rest follower, that out rounde, that be will LA other words Flynn on of Hem. Francisco, and 0' Donnell. Zealand, aslebed, New York Oly, on the aght to a patch weights, rules to place from of think this man. man, but believe.
I will about the round stands eight rounde be ton to If don't Mitchell tactics, of quire My your erialon A I be la the center ot calle and man Fijnu has wide mAy be mat, and ba oNe oNe The combination to lease the kotel and to tua great sporting has fallen through. parties to tho transaction were a tor and The enterprise sporting man, sad Pittsbure to ba audit atone to be Mostezuma to be be place, apd the Monta Carlo pa do raa in connection with both but dependent of necessary been made, ratied; position for a learn was laid before compaay. 04 jAb, Toraday lest, being cempsay uR fornially to decliued the proposition, issue the fat perposte Infaaded, Tan Orric baa seen the I knows the of tbe parties Interested, and the result the matter. it sad to tbs three parties mentioned, tha plan fall through because the rail. compass objected to the Monto Carlo Headquarters For" Santa Claus! Christmas Goods of every kind.
Everything in toys, imported and domestic -dolls, -skates, bicycles, tricycles, fancy china-ware, elegant dressing suits, etc.Come early and your choice. THE BAZAR, W.W. PRIGMORE. 7 You. will find AL GRAAF CLUXTUN'S, for your XMAS DINNER: 'Turkeys, Ducks; P'rairie Chicken, Quails, Chickens, Bulk and Can Oysters, Cauliflower, Ripe.
Tomatoes, Lettuce, Rudinher, Parley, Freal hint dried fruits bY 311 kinds, .12 different kinds of cheese. Yale A toixa, la roundelay joyful st ve, At day and fur The churlih wind his course hatti sped tracked and through brier, are In b- ated That lack a winter' Ho lip the bowl each thirsty soul, And pled go in brimming trust The winter rules the ronal; drift out buth onet and west, My -r and break, and fell. And craft speed the revels with the beat, and rare With ale and friends spice the beater All: Tu keep old in and bid bugle of 115:. do down the wind hands about in laughink rout Beside the blaxin Yule. And foot it light in Any despite Of gray beard winter' rule.
here's a health, trust xosalpaall, To simple men and true; And let false rogues both great and 22 Their erll HAY no light word of ill intent ado your wonted chiper, For Yule.tide well and wisely spent Shall bring A bravo Now Year. Come, we then, good gentlemen, A roundelay. Chi For WOuch mirth none is einil for dire Istanas nishi, AugHek Magazine. PERSONAL PICK-UPE, A. Wiel left for Cersilios.
Berapio Romero Is in Silas Dora Fink left for Tawvy, T. D. Catron returned to Hanta Fe. Mias itoby Lynot left fur Mt. Jor, Mo.
Felix Martinas la back from Frank Barton is back from tho south. Harry Franklin will spend Obrietenani home, H. WEllmore and. wife are. at home again.
C. F. Latchem will spond Christians rro. Wm. Frank, of Alarans, Ir in tbe chy, tuday, 6 la, looked for, 16T, Gen, Bbutter bae gone north or H.
K. Manta Fe for fornte, to-day. Menare, and J. 5. Rayoolda left for Canon Cuy, Cale, Me left- for Trinidad, to spend the John Alewari and wits went up to to spend Myer campo back trom southern trip for Mre, Marsh, anther of Mre, Joe Soli, game up from Hos, arrived at Horlager, it evening, frum Chicago, Thompson, general passenger agent fur thi California southern, went Father Orom game To on Mo.
to-das; and Judge L. 1, went. through for home. Miolom, the woul buyer. for Gross, Black wet A ill la the southern country.
L. Hell, United States marabal, and 0, were conta bound seta; today, Carl. Wildenataln. member of the board Insane regeute, bai been to the Black, one of the in the pubila sobuole of Ban Marcial, orrived Vexes, to spend the bolidare. Jos In.
charge of Cravens' was in the ally, today, to see bis wife and oblid leave for Kansas -John. Gibson, Denver; Robt. ft. Coplen, Denvers': Prank McDermott, York City: Kobt; Temple, Dearert are at the Ceatrat. Oren W.
Weaver, ebiel olerk In the United labor, Ward. D. -0 In the city, collecting building and loan statiaties. B. T.
Wilson, M. Dr. E. Baker, City; City: H. Watroas: P.
J. Towner, Springer; Miler, Dearer; are the Optio, There. will ba some excitint camas ol pool played on. Christmas at P'eta Martin's, on Bridge strovt. Dancing sobool last alahr; idle wheR It be opsaed at the old K.
of P. bail. G. Murphey Co, here haadedme display of holiday roode, In the window of Ibelr drug store, Bridge street. The entertainmeat given by Prot, Hilton, Inst ertains.
at the old K. of P. butt, Rail. road was greatly enjuged by those wbu were present. Many more entertalamonte bera bave alyan loss satia: faction to the A tainment we Ill be given Hiltou to 8t, Joseph's hal', wear ate, this eventug, and none who attend will regret It.
Mothday Excursions, cursion Remember shat during the the will sell exfate for the round trip, paint in Nexiro, within the dietames of 200 A Cord. days, y. C. de of ol: will attend to all buxiness, di od Uxo. W.
C. SHUTTEM. Sase-Spectal Mergain-Jaso. I will sell the largest upria bi p'antwith pertila, and 1hrve atriuged to for one for fur 'eight years, tuard tree gear, $25). makes sold street.
payinebir, Reroin, 24. MI THE SPORLEDER Boot and Shot BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps, Gloves and 'HOSIERY. Sixth Street, East Las Vegas, N. M. Frank Le Duc, Merchant Satisfaction Bridge Strest, La.
Vegas, Now laving secured the bicient and good hands; with the line of saluples for the and solicit tur comfortable patronage mat of seats. lovers of stylish THIS. YEARS WIll do It BEFORE. The Holidays. Heretofore we have commenced our great Reduction Sales After January 1st.
This Year, to afford our. patrons the. opportunity; to buy cheap For the Holidays-ire will inaugurate them. NOW; by giving 10 per cent discount, For Cash, on Everything mentioned 1 in pext columns. Knowing that the brarted estlient of Lies Veras so carneatly desire that the unfortunate fbaade may spend pirasant Christians time, the officers of the any lama will come around town on Thurrisy and afternoour, to collect ali.
kinds' of donations, for the purpose. Any present do, and will gratefully re frown Huall bag of candy of California fruit, from left off plothes to How suit, plikel Are dollar piece. Tboso who have politer office nor store but willing to donate son elbingi can send over to 0: In town or Homera's shoe- store on abo wont allo, 2918 Holiday wIll sell op December 33rd, 24th, 25th, 30th aud Blot, also January 1st, round trip tickets to 'all polnt4 within: 200 tulles, for fur the trip. Good i Joses, Pargo office will be a Hunday, from 00 untH 1 p. ra 'to accummodate our patrons wbq.
pact Christmas 1t W. T. ALEXANDER, One of THE OPTIO force har tried the Koelspar, oBered for. role in thincity by A. Kipney.
There la no doabs of (to belag ad It cannot barn the slate and Iron is the Cerrillos bard coal, but it large. by Increase the besting properties of oval. end doos the it is probable that by Judi. clous ass the Raton. coal.
would be made tally the equal of the Carrilics soft cost. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOR RENT furnisben. rooms for light at Mire. A.
liton'. Main street, two doors west of put its school hour. FOR -Mich milk airing Ofer of of dally, Enquire Tremble, foriner Kads residence, Sixth street. Leave order with Mira. M.
J. Woode for Christmas treen. Horses wintered at $3 per month, alfalfa pasture, Graven' ranch, Rawerorille, -Cleveland bey mare stolen from Craven' ranch, branded Y. It, paid for hand goods, of every kind and price, st Criten Beaty', next door to tbe sIde. posinitoe.
Koal-spar coal, ollnkers: agents wanted; see E. ron I and Stoneruad T. 0. Heroin, Bruge street, general agent for the Kaabe, Fischer, Smith Harnes, Irers Pond. Newby Evans, al factory Casb or UR payments.
100.11, The Beet la the Cheapest. Mernio will sell and guarantee Knabe, Flecher, A. B. Newby A or Amith Barnes les than for Infertur grades. Hemin, Bristge street, ROM Delivers Damonpat at Ro0 a most 854: City Jouroal 160, Gire him 66c: Rocky Nor Mow.
at atrial. TERRITORY OF NAW Or In the district court, Fouri Calaias mattoz of the of the Kotios herrhy atron that Georze Brooks, of the Calking Cattle Com -PAAY. proral of the exhibit said court and pt scent for the a statement of the with plepe vouchers- on the Tith das of January. A D. 1904, the court house county of Miguel, and that such will be allnwed by the judge of said court on sati date Tom to the contra be shown.
Clerk. J. W. BARTLETT, Railroad Avenue Jeweler. Fino Solid Silver.An Excellent Line of Goods Suitable for Christmas Presents.
Call and See Them GROSS, BLACKWELL CO. Great Bargains -IN- WATCHES AND JEWELRY Closing Outt M. SHELMAN, BIXTH STREET. KAUT VEGAS The -Jackets, Wraps. Drets Goods, Linens, Millinery, Ribbons; Furs.
Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, and. Fans, Fancy. Work Material, Curtains, I.nces. Gentlemen's Silk Handkerchiefs Neckwear Smoking Jackets. LAS NEW MEXICO.
Wholesale Grocers, JOUBENS OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Etc. GROSS, BLACKWELL CO. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, of Every Description. "Klipper Klub.
Skater, Wagons arid A- Carts, Novelties in Plush, Celluloid Toilet, Manicure, Smoking Sets, Traveling Cases. Art China in All Shapes andDecorations. Cut Glass, Lamps and Many Other Articles Suitable for Presentation. I Ilfeld's. THE PLAZA.
Golden Rule Clothing Co. Leads the Trade in New Mexico, In All Lines of Gents' and Boys' Clothing, Men's, Furpishing Goods, Underwear, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Everything of the best, and Prices the Times Examine our Stock in. and be convinced. I.
C. ABEYTIA. Cieneral" Block of Lastere, well as Mexican Filigree Jewelry. Proprietor. Robt.
L. M. Ross, Real Estate AND INSURANCE AGENT. Prices to Silt the Tim, Lets: tram $100 AGENT of the Town Co. addition, and the Eldo.
rado ToRo Co. lower. additles. Residences, Business Properties, Loans, Mortgages and Securities: Arre Pro Irrigation Ditches, Taras OPERA MOUSE BLOCK, EAST WILLIAM-BAASCE, who la willing 19 or fall os Lis merita a bae constantly ON male at the VEGAS BAKERY Opposite Poatomce, Welt side. AXIS PIN Special orders filled on short notipe.
HOW Martin Howard, Contractors- Bullders. Clany and free to patroos. Shop- next door farataked lougliton's llardware Store. Montezuma Restaurant Center East Las Vegas, Under: the management of CHARLI WRIGHT. UNEQUALLED IN' THE OITY.
Heals 25 cents. Tables supplied: with very beat the market afforde. 'For 1,9 Class3' Merchant Tailoring, Go to O'SULLIVAN, Next Door To Wise Hogsett's, East Las Vegas, New -Mexico. You -Want A Good Meal? Try the Plaza, A. of Eating PARK HOUSE, Las Vegas: Hot Springe, N.
M. Propra. Convenientdo Depot and Rats Houses, Rates, 1 $2.00 to $2.50 per day. Special. rates by the week; Livery in Connection.
I L. ROSENTHAL CO. 326 328 Railroad Avenue, Li GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ranch Supplies a Specialtv. Goods delivered Tree to all parts of the city. Call and examine our stors -fore purchasing, and-be of our low prices: Complete line of Cartridges and Ammunition always on band, ME ROSENTHAL AL HI A are Showing mai.
HOLIDAYS, 'For the Useful Full, Line of Presents: Neck-ties. Stacks of Toys, Mufflers, Bicycles, Tricycles, Men's Silk Smoking Handkerchiefs, Jackets, Wagons, Satin Embroidered Coasters, Fancy Suspenders, Skates and Sleds. Fine Kid Gloves Pine Furniture. anil and And Give old. suitable for thousands us a both presents of Rexes, other.
for -over. young mcful- UPEK 2.1- Most to checks can of.